Impulse Buy

 Slouchy silk pants and a leather jacket have long been my semi-professional go-to, so nothing new here. Although these pants come with a story–I’ve learned a little lesson about myself over these past couple of months. I’m a notorious under-packer, and since I tend to be on the go, living out of a suitcase a couple days out of the week has led to various purchases simply because I packed poorly. Such was the case with these pants. (Actually, in my defense I had spilt coffee on the original outfit I had planned to wear and needed something appropriate asap for my meeting.) I ran into Intermix, grabbed the first pair of office-cool pants I saw and walked out of the store in them. Thankfully they weren’t completely impulsive, as in I love a good pair of silk pants so they’ve been getting their fair share of wear.

As much as I pride myself in packing lightly, I guess there’s nothing wrong with overpacking, or smarter packing. In fact, I now bring this blazer along with me on most occasions. Impromptu meetings watch out!


 Wearing:  Vince Leather Jacket (similar, lighter weight style for summer).  Anine Bing Top.  Joie Pants (cute jumpsuit version).

 Iro Sandals.  Venessa Arizaga Necklace (on sale).

Photography by Michelle Drewes

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