5 Healthy Habits For The Week

August is going to be all about adding in a few healthy things a week in the hopes that they become a habit.  Or at least to give them a try!  Nothing too crazy here, but just a few things each week that are manageable and a nice way to reset for the week ahead.  Here are a few things I’ve been practicing so far.  Do you have any small healthy habits that you think make a difference in your week?–I’d love to hear!

1. A Sunday yoga class.  I’ve really missed yoga.  I don’t know why it took me so long to get back into the groove after having Rex but the last two weekends I made it to a hot yoga class on Sunday, and getting in that sweat sesh plus the mind-body-spirit-zen high was the perfect way to reset for the new week.  I also find that if I make it to yoga on a Sunday I’m more likely to pick up another class or two later in the week as well.  (For my Sacramento friends, I’m on a Zuda kick.  Corri’s classes are awesome.)

2. Declutter one thing.  Living through a remodel over the past few months plus add a baby in the mix, means chaos around our house 99% of the time.  So decluttering, purging and reorganizing have been keeping me sane.  If I stick to one thing a week to reorganize (i.e.: one dresser drawer, a cupboard, my desktop) it’s way more manageable than trying to tidy up the whole house all at once.  It’s also quite crazy how much stress and anxiety can be resolved by a tidier space.

3. Call that friend.  I’m not really a phone person but I’m trying to be better about picking up the phone and calling that friend who’s been on my mind.  Texting is easy and totally thoughtful but hearing the person’s voice (even just for a few minutes) is really really good for the spirit.

4. Drink Up: Turmeric, Ginger, Lemon.  Inspired by a recipe in this Clean Beauty book, I’ve been making a batch of turmeric, ginger and fresh squeezed lemon juice to have for the week.  I’ll add sparkling water in the afternoon or hot water if drinking in the AM.  Last week was my husband’s birthday which meant we had leftover chocolate cake almost every night so at least drinking a glass of this healthy concoction made me feel like I was balancing out the cake. Right?!

5. Fresh flowers around the house.  Whether it’s gardenia clippings from our yard, wild blooms from the Saturday farmers market, or just a quick pick-up from the grocery store–putting fresh flowers around the house really brightens my mood and week.

Photo | Stephanie Russo

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