Tuesday Inspiration

One of my favorite parts about blogging is having a place to put the random images I come across online that I find a) beautiful b) inspiring or c) all of the above. This past weekend I met Taylor for coffee and we chatted / laughed about how we loved cutting up magazines to make collages for our binders in middle school. I’m pretty sure I would switch out my collages from under the plastic of my three ring at least monthly, and I still have a framed collage I made while in college hanging in my bedroom now over five years later.
I guess you could say blogging is a new form of collaging. Instead of tearing out the pages of my Vogue magazines and posting them up in my bedroom for a select few to see, I am now able to share my inspiration with all of you!

Photos via: Because I’m Addicted, Exhibition A, Hanneli, Hello Nikki, Stockholm Street Style, Refinery 29, We Heart It, 

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